Beef Jerky - Flank Steak

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Date March 4, 2014
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Robert Beef Jerky - Flank Steak
Posted In Beef Jerky Recipes


Trim the flank steak of any excess fat, place in a zip-top bag, and place it in the freezer for 1 to 2 hours in order to firm up.

Remove the steak from the freezer and thinly slice the meat with the grain, into long strips.

Place the strips of meat along with all of the remaining ingredients into a large, 1-gallon plastic zip-top bag and move around to evenly distribute all of the ingredients. Place the bag into the refrigerator for 3 to 6 hours.

Remove the meat from the brine and pat dry. Evenly distribute the strips of meat onto trays and follow manufacturers recommendations


  • PREP 20 min
  • COOK 8 h
  • READY IN 12 h
  • YIELD 10oz
  • DIFFICULTY Beginner
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